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A Life of Joy, Love, Purpose

Posted by Daniel Pederson on

Kailey Swanson

Why are you a member of RLC?

I’ve been attending RLC for as long as I can remember, so initially I was a member because my parents brought me. As I got older, I wanted to continue to be involved because of the amazing community RLC provides; and our mission to “Love God • Love Your Neighbor” has always really resonated with me. During high school, youth programs gave me access to new friendships and a broad support system. Even when I moved across the country for college and now for work, I’ve still been able to stay connected to RLC through virtual opportunities. 

What does abundant life mean to you?

Very literally, abundant life means a life full of joy, love, and purpose. To me, that means taking advantage of and learning from all the diverse opportunities life has to offer, creating strong relationships, and sharing God’s love as widely as possible. To live an abundant life is to be continually improving yourself and the world around you. 

How have you seen or experienced abundant life at RLC?

I have seen and experienced abundant life at RLC in probably too many ways to fully describe here, so I’ll just give you the highlights. First, RLC gave me so many leadership opportunities that helped me grow as a person and grow my faith alongside those I was leading. Second, the opportunity to explore thought-provoking topics like how science and faith fit together and racial reconciliation deepened my faith and my understanding of the world around me. Finally, my experiences traveling internationally to spread God’s love through service have been some of the most meaningful and joyful times in my life. My involvement at RLC has truly been one of the things that has made my life most abundant. 

How are you involved at RLC?
Why do you financially support RLC?

Over the years I’ve been involved at RLC in a variety of ways. Growing up, I attended Sunday School at RLC and once I was old enough I transitioned to being a leader. I was also a leader at VBS, a youth representative on the CYF Ministry Team, and worked in the nursery on Sundays. I also had the opportunity to participate in youth-led worship services and even deliver a sermon! I attended Camp Hiawatha as both a camper and junior counselor and participated in Boundary Waters trips. During the pandemic, I was able to be a virtual Lenten mentor from college in New York. In 2019, I went on the youth service-learning trip to Slovakia and, in February 2024, I went on the adult service trip to Guatemala. Both of these trips were amazing opportunities to experience a different culture and spread God’s love through service and relationship building.

I have very directly experienced the transformative impact of the various programs RLC offers, often made possible by the financial support of the RLC community, and am proud to be able to help continue to provide these opportunities for future generations. 

Give now

pRAISE RLC: Live! goes through May 2. Click here to give now. Thank you!


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