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Lenten Devotional – The Wise Still Seek Jesus

Thursday, March 28

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Thursday March 28
Matthew 13:44-53
Jess Henry

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it."

Cast yourself as a character in any of these parables.  Are you the discoverer? Or are you an immediate family member. For any of these characters, making a living isn’t easy.  A full meal on the table isn’t guaranteed on a regular basis. Then, one day, you stumble upon a hidden treasure or a prized pearl. Owning one of these treasures would change everything. Imagine the joy and the sheer relief you would feel, knowing that you could change your circumstances forever.

Now, back to reality.  Jesus tells these stories in terms that we could understand. He implies the value of the kingdom of heaven brings such joy that it is worth selling every single possession to own that treasure. But would you really go through with selling all of your possessions, in modern times? It’s easy to rationalize that these stories are a couple thousand years old and maybe aren’t meant to be taken literally; but no matter the time frame, these stories are strong metaphors for focusing on our commitment to serving God and taking joy in it.

Questions for reflection:

  • If you were to sell all of your possessions, which would be the most difficult to give up?

  • What/who brings you the greatest joy?


Jesus, open my eyes and my heart to serve you. Amen.


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