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Lenten Devotional – The Wise Still Seek Jesus

Wednesday, April 17

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Wednesday April 17
Matthew 25:31-46
Jim Boyce

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.

When our daughters were young, sometimes we would leave them to stay with family or friends while we were away for several days. Of course, our parting words were usually something like, "Now you girls be sure to behave while we're away." And to this we would often hear, "It's OK, Mom and Dad, we usually behave better when you're not around."

Today on Wednesday of Holy Week we hear from from Matthew's Gospel Jesus' last words to his disciples before he begins the journey of his passion, death, and resurrection. Jesus will soon leave his disciples behind with the promise that concludes the Gospel: "Lo, I am always with you, until the end of the age."

Although today's reading is often known as the "Parable of Last Judgment" it really addresses—as for our daughters—the question of our behavior in the meantime of waiting: "So how will we disciples behave while we wait for our Master to return? The "right answer" comes in the form of a Parable, complete with catchy repetitions—and a surprise ending. Far from waiting around in idleness, we are called to live with the awareness that we already meet the face of Jesus each day in our unselfish caring for the needy in our midst.

Questions for reflection:

  • What difference does it make for you to live each day with Jesus' promise: "Lo, I am always with you?"

  • Where might you anticipate meeting Jesus today in the face of a neighbor in need? How will you respond?


O Jesus, Immanuel, help me to see you today in the face of each neighbor that I meet, and grant me courage to respond with the surprising promise of your grace and love. Amen.
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