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Lenten Devotional – The Wise Still Seek Jesus

Wednesday, March 20

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Wednesday March 20
Matthew 8:23-27
Katie Hatteberg

“A windstorm arose on the sea, so great that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. And they went and woke him up, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” And he said to them, “Why are you afraid, you of little faith?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a dead calm”

A storm occurred in my life when I began high school this year. I felt overwhelmed and out of place, the workload was a lot more demanding, and my social life was falling apart.  My close friends from elementary and middle school were no longer in my classes, a difficult adjustment. I jumped into Concert Band which was a grade level higher than the normal 9th grade band that most freshmen were in.  I was completely overwhelmed and panicked. I questioned if I really deserved to be in that band and if I would be able to make it through.

In addition, I was involved in Fall Dance Team which came with new responsibilities and stress. I was given the opportunity to teach my whole team a hip hop dance I learned over the summer at dance camp.  This was very fun but also stressful for me to take that leadership role. Also, it was the beginning of church youth opportunities. I attended Flock, Bagels at Dawn, Confirmation and began teaching a cornerstone group at church. I also applied to go on the upcoming mission trip to Slovakia.

I felt with all these activities, I had to do it all or else I would fail someone.  I felt that if I said no, I would let myself and others down. This storm in my life caused me to crash and finally reach out to God.  God helped me to calm myself and organize my thoughts. He reassembled my life in new ways that I otherwise may have given up on. In school, he granted me friends that supported and worked with me.  In band, he gave me the courage to ask my band teacher for help and he led me to partner up with another clarinet player to help me. In dance, he provided me with a friend to help me choreograph and teach the team while maintaining my own leadership. For church activities, I felt a new sense of belonging and calm when I came and I felt that the people of the church gave me a place of rest in the chaos of my current life.

This storm showed me that Jesus saves us even when we cry out to him with little faith.  When we are in a chaotic storm, he comes and has the power to calm everything. Cry out to him to calm those crashing waves. Nothing can disobey our Lord.  When we think Jesus is far away or at rest and not conscious of us, we must remember that he is always with us. Cry out to the Lord, or silently pray. God will hear you. He will lead you to safety and grant you peace even in the midst of chaos.  

Questions for Reflection:

  • What is a storm in your life you need Jesus to help with?

  • How have you seen calm from Jesus after a storm in your life?


Dear Lord, Please guide me to ask for help in the chaos of this life.  Please help me to recognize the calm you will bring to me and help me to be the calm in someone else's life.  Amen

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