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Lenten Devotional

Ash Wednesday, February 14

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Read John 1

I love to read. I love getting immersed in a good story, complicated characters, surprising plot lines, and unexpected endings. Even more, I love my book club, sharing these stories with others. I always seem to get so much more out of the book after we've gathered to dissect and analyze it together. I recently listened to an interview with novelist Ann Pachett who is a captivating storyteller and the owner of a bookstore and one thing she said really caught my attention. She said:

"No matter how much we love a book, the experience of reading isn't complete until we give it to someone who will love it as much as we do." (MPR News, October 24, 2016)

Stories are meant to be shared. The connections we make with each other because we have read a story, told our own story, or shared a common story, are powerful. These connections must not be underestimated. 

In the same way, there is a connection made, a power (not to be taken lightly) gained when we read the Biblical story together. This story is meant for reading, for sharing, for telling, for living- together!

During the season of Lent we will be connecting with God's story found in the gospel of John together. I invite you to read it, reflect on it, read the daily devotions offered here, and join together in worship where we will focus on this story of Jesus found in John. These devotions are written by 33 different members of Roseville Lutheran who have graciously offered their voices in helping us to reflect and devote ourselves to connecting with God's story.

You can receive this daily devotional by signing up for the daily email or reading along on our website. There will be several print copies available during Lent at the welcome desk as well. You can also call or email our office to request a print copy be sent to you.

Let's join together as one big Roseville Lutheran Church book club and love this book, and then love it more when we share it with each other!


Pastor Sara Spohr

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