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Mission and Outreach

Builders Group BLOG – May 2018 – 30 May 2018

Posted by KJ Bach on

30 May 2018

We’re Off to Lisbon!

Today we said our goodbyes to our Slovak friends, but before we left we added our names to the Donor Tree in the High School, which has a ‘leaf’ of a tree for people who have contributed in some way to the renovation and support of the school.  We all added our names, including Dave and Vicky Lorenz, who were unable to make this trip, but have contributed in several previous Builders Group trips. The Donor Wall is really a nice touch to show that it takes a lot of people to make this school a reality.

We said a ‘see you later’ to Janka Mineková who, with her family, will be coming to Minnesota in mid-July for a SIX WEEK stay. (There are still a few days available for someone to host the Mineková family of 4 … contact KJ Bach at if interested).

Our bus ride to Budapest and our flight to Lisbon were uneventful.  The bus transfer from the Lisbon Airport to our downtown hotel was flawless. Our first evening meal in Lisbon was at a restaurant near our hotel, which is near the Old Town section.  We are anxious to go exploring tomorrow with our HopOn/HopOff ticket.

Thank you, God, for guarding and guiding our work while in Martin, Slovakia.  Bless and guide our friends at the CCE as they now prepare for a celebration like no other for the CCE and its students and their families. Give them ENERGY, give them JOY, give them LOVE to share.



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