
Contact Us

  • Phone: 651.487.7752
  • Email: 
  • Mailing Address: 1215 Roselawn Ave. West | Roseville, MN 55113



Summer Ministry Opportunities

Each year, we offer summer camps and trips for children, youth and their families. From vacation bible school to residential camp, wilderness adventures to service/mission trips, we hope you can join us for some of the most faith formative weeks you’ll ever experience! RLC trips are available to members and their friends.


Summer 2023 -

Camp Wapo Seeds Weekend
June 23-25 (completed 1st-3rd grade)

Click here to sign up for Camp Wapo Seeds Weekend

This action-packed session for our youngest campers is the perfect introduction to camp. knowing that this may be some kid’s first camp experience or even their first time away from home, our counselors will spend every moment with these campers. They will provide a safe and caring environment filled with music, Bible study, campfires, crafts, water activities and tons of games.

Week at Camp
July 23-28 (completed 4th-8th grade)

Click here to sign up for Week at Camp

Campers at Camp Wapo will experience a place of grace to meet new friends, experience new activities, and make memories that will last a lifetime. The week is packed with a variety of activities that are meant to impact kids in a meaningful way, taking them higher, wider, longer and deeper into the love of God and community with each other. Each day includes Bible study, chapel, cabin activities, free time, field games and campfire. Summer youth camp at Camp Wapo is a week youth will never forget!


Scholarships are available for all of our trips. Please contact Pastor Tori if you have any questions or wish to apply for a scholarship.

Read our Youth Inclusivity Statement here. 



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