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Families Are Different

Posted by Chris Hagen on

Families Are Different

Our daughters are adopted. It was the best way we could complete our family. They are precious gift from God. So it was heartbreaking when my oldest daughter came home from school one day crying because another girl teased her about her birthmother “not wanting her.” That was utterly untrue; ours is an open adoption and her birthmother chose Ann and me to be Rachel’s parents. It was a loving act and her love continues to this day.

So Rachel’s teacher invited me in to speak to that second grade class about adoption. I chose instead to talk about how families are different. Some are made of a mother and father who have children. 

Some families are one parent with children. My brother raised his daughter and son that way. My sister is raising her daughter on her own. 

Some families are grandparents raising grandchildren.

Some families are two mothers and two fathers, or more! Rachel has me and my wife as her parents, and her birthmother and birthfather as loving parents as well. Hannah has two other birthparents. Our family has six parents and two children!

Some families are two mothers with children, like our friend Lisa and her wife. 

Some families are two fathers raising their children. 

Some families are two adults in love but without children.

Families are different. God makes them all. God makes them good. The important thing about families is that they love each other and take care of each other. 

– Pastor Chris Hagen

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