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Christ is Present

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What a great time we had last Sunday with our drive-in worship service in the parking lot. Definitely a different experience! I was a parking lot attendant and didn’t always hear what was happening in the service (people listened on their car radios), so I jumped at times when people were asked to honk their horns in response to some request (like affirming the 35 youth who were confirmed). It was a morning to remember!

But we are not getting together for worship as we would like—and we won’t get together for a long time. Definitely disappointing. So we make do in our isolation and distance. I recently read a reflection by Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber, a Lutheran pastor in Denver. Her words speak to me, and no doubt to all of us, in our isolation and struggle these days. It affirms Christ’s presence in this difficult time even in our mundane, isolated days. I share it with you.

- Rolf Olson, Visitation Pastor

I do not know
when we can gather
together again in worship, Lord.
So, for now I just ask that:
When I sing along in my kitchen to each song
on Stevie Wonder’s Songs in The Key of Life Album,
that it be counted as praise.
And that when I read the news
and my heart tightens in my chest,
may it be counted as a Kyrie. 
And that when my eyes
brighten in a smile behind my mask
as I thank the cashier
may it be counted as passing the peace.
And that when I water my plants
and wash my dishes and take a shower
may it be counted as remembering my baptism.
And that when the tears come
and my shoulders shake and my breathing falters,
may it be counted as prayer. 
And that when I stumble
upon a Tabitha Brown video
and hear her grace and love of you
may it be counted as a hearing a homily.
And that as I sit at that table in my apartment,
and eat one more homemade meal,
slowly, joyfully,
with nothing else demanding my time or attention,
may it be counted as communion.

 Nadia Bolz-Weber


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