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Community United by Grace

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Dear Roseville Lutheran Church Community
We are launching a daily devotional/message to help foster community
and connection. Our first message comes from Pastor Sara.

Social Distance? No Thank You!

What is this new world we live in? “Social distancing” is a term that did not make a regular appearance in our conversations last week, and this week it is all we’re talking about. I fully respect the Health Department’s recommendation to curb the spread of this virus and am doing my level best to observe it. However, I would like to propose that we give it a different name.  
My suggestion is that we call it “physical distance” instead. This is a simple change, but I think it could shift our worldview and strengthen our resolve during this uncertain time.  
Social distance, says to keep away. It tells us to isolate ourselves and to limit all interaction with friends and neighbors. This kind of distance creates fear. Physical distance says something different. While we do need to keep our distance physically, I believe we need social interaction now more than ever. We need to be able to support each other, provide resources for each other, pray for one another, encourage generosity on behalf of our neighbor, and have a place to express our fears and needs to those who will listen without judgement.
Usually, as a faith community, we do these things when we gather for worship and fellowship. In the weeks ahead we will find these social interactions just as important, but they will come with the added wrinkle of physical distance. We will connect through phone calls, emails, social media, live streams, and prayer. We will continue to be social, but we will do it from a physical distance.  
Paul wrote letters to the early Christian church from a place of physical distance because he was either traveling or in prison. We know that physical distance did not stop the spread of the gospel then, why should it today?  
For as in one body we have many members,
and not all the members have the same function,
so we, who are many, are one body in Christ,
and individually we are members one of another. 
(Romans 12:4-5)
Physical distance or not, we belong to each other. Hamline University religion professor DeAnna Thompson calls this the “Virtual Body of Christ” and in her book of the same title she helps us to see that the body of Christ can and does exist virtually and makes an embodied difference in the lives of those who are hurting. How can we be the “virtual body of Christ” for each other right now? A year ago I took a break from social media and then when the break was over I didn’t return. Today, I’m opening those accounts again, I’m aware of the positive, faithful, and loving ways that we can be “socially close” to each other even during these days of “physical distance” and I want to be a part of that.
Here are a few ways that we will remain in community in the days ahead:
  • Stay close to God. Roseville Lutheran will send out devotionals, like this, to our community. Share them with your family, forward them to friends, and continue to deepen your faith by taking time to engage with God and neighbor.
  • Stay connected to each other. If you’re thinking of someone, let them know. Follow the Spirit’s nudge. Call that friend, email your co-worker, spend a few more minutes with the kids and young adults in your circle of influence.
  • Live Generously. I heard Governor Walz say today that “if you can’t find toilet paper at Target, then it's not at the food shelves either.” We are going to do an emergency drive for canned soup, canned fruit, peanut butter, and macaroni and cheese. This food will go on the shelves at our community partner, Keystone Community Services. Collection bins will be set up in the upper lobby (parking lot off of Ryan Avenue), donations will be delivered to Keystone weekly. Roseville Lutheran Lobby hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
  • Volunteer. Our community partner, Sheridan Story, provides food for children in need. With school closings upon us, this need increases all the more. Click here to volunteer and help pack food for these young people and their families.
  • Send in a prayer request. We’re continuing to pray for all who are affected by this new reality. For those who suffer, those who are anxious, those who provide health care, those experiencing financial and food insecurity, for educators, for students, for those who govern, and all who are living generously on behalf of their neighbors. Our pastors will receive requests sent to .
May you find social connection in this time of physical distance and may the peace of God guide you to a deeper sense of faith, hope, and love.
Pastor Sara Spohr

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