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Grateful for the RLC Community

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Hi RLC families,

Life seems uncertain right now. If your household is anything like mine, you might be worrying about daily necessities, about vulnerable friends and family, about what work and school and life will look like these next few months. 

I've seen this verse from Philippians 4 being shared in several places: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." I keep thinking: Too late! I'm already anxious! Now what?

Obviously none of us can be sure of what exactly tomorrow or next week will look like. Because of this uncertainty, I have been especially grateful for the RLC community this past week. All of us have our own worries and concerns right now. But as a member of the community here, our conversations and work have been buoyed by a sense of purpose and mission that's larger than just us. 

We've been shaken out of our ruts and reminded that ministry isn't about sticking to our planned schedule. Ministry isn't about having all the answers. Ministry isn't even just about the programs we normally run in our buildings! Instead, ministry is about sharing what we are sure of: God's love for each of us, and our love for each other. And that can be done in so many more ways than we usually imagine. 

The Bible passage I'm thinking about right now instead is from Hebrews 10: "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together."

As Pastor Sara shared in her devotion for the congregation the other day, the term "physical distancing" is more accurate than "social distancing," because even though we are no longer meeting in the same physical location, we are gathering closer together in spirit and in mission. 

While a lot of our time and energy right now at RLC is focused on the everyday logistics of
figuring out what's next, serving those in immediate need, and communicating what's happening (and what's not), we're already beginning to see the potential of ministry in new places and in new ways. I'm looking forward to each of you joining our community online for fellowship and worship, and to the many ways we will continue to connect and minister to each other in the coming days. 

Audrey Dontje Lindell
Director of Youth Ministry


Holy Spirit, continue to inspire us
to do good work together
in keeping with our devotion to you.
Bless us in our waking, our sleeping,
our activities, our prayers.
Bless us all through your leading.


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