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The Comfort of Psalm 23

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Wow! If there was ever a verse that we need right now this is it! David wrote this verse 3000 years ago and I am wondering what his life was like when he wrote this. Was it in times when things were plentiful or during the darkest of times? David’s life was filled with ups and downs, lots of drama. At one point in his life he was a faithful servant under King Saul, but in an abrupt change Saul decided he wanted David killed. David didn’t know why but the chase was on, his life had suddenly and unexpectedly changed, and he was living in fear for his life. David lived for seven years in isolation in sometimes rather harsh conditions to avoid Saul.

If Psalm 23 was written when David was fleeing for his life from Saul it shows all the ways that God provided for him. David loved and trusted God. This was a prayer, a song thanking God for everything God had done for him.

Our lives right now share similarities with David’s. Things have suddenly, unexpectedly changed and we are living with fear.  With physical distancing, a lot of hand washing, and mask wearing, together we can get through this. But it will not be easy, we will need strength and perseverance to get through this. These are times when we need the comfort of Psalm 23. We need our souls to be refreshed and our worries to be calmed. 

God is counting on each one of us to help those who are struggling.  Helping each other is a good way to refresh and calm our souls. 

  • If you know of someone who is afraid to go shopping for groceries, consider doing that for them. There are several charitable organizations that are looking for shoppers; Help at Your Door is one of them.
  • If you can make masks consider making those, the need is great.
  • Call a neighbor, friend, relative and ask how they are doing. Smile and say hello to those you meet on a walk –everyone is looking for assurance and a social connection.
  • If you receive a stimulus check and are in a position to donate some or all of it to a food shelf consider doing that.
  • If you are struggling right now, please ask for help.

David never stopped believing and trusting in God. In the end things worked out well for David. 

We are walking through a dark valley right now; together with help from each other and God’s guidance we will get through this! 



Dear God, every morning when we wake up give us the guidance to get through each day. Guide us along right paths, refresh our soul, calm our fears and help us to recognize all that is good in our lives, all that you have provided for us, all the small things in our lives that we take for granted and need to be thankful for. Amen.

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