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Paying Attention: Finding God in the Ordinary

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RLC is delighted to welcome Rollie Johnson and his presentation "Finding God in the Ordinary." Most of us race through our days at a hectic and frantic pace oblivious to the Godly and divine in our midst. We are tuned into the latest electronic gizmos and out of tune with the holy and sacred...

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Podcast - Mark Hanson

Posted by Lauren Wrightsman on

Sign up now for online discussions with Pastor Lauren Wrightsman. This discussion will start at 7:00 pm. November 6 - Mark Hanson  Former presiding bishop of the ELCA Pastor Mark S. Hanson served as the third Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Before being...

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Living with Purpose

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Living with Purpose as We Age – Dr. Roland Martinson Older adulthood is most often a long period of life with its unique character, assets and limitations.  We will explore the callings of elderhood and discover how day to day and across the entire span of this third chapter of life...

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Pre-Election Prayer Service

Posted by Lauren Wrightsman on

We join together online for this time of prayer for our country on Monday, Nov. 2. The election is taking place already with absentee and mail-in ballots, and final in-person voting is Tuesday, Nov. 3. We gather on election eve to pray for peace and unity in our country.

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