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Takk Sa Mykett

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Last week I wrote about seeing God in a generous exchange at a Nebraska restaurant as we travelled to Colorado. My point was that God is always active—and sometimes we see it. Seeing life through a God-shaped lens doesn’t just happen. Identifying God at work requires • knowledge...

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The Everydayness of Life

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Grace and Hope “All we can do is do our best, until we learn differently!” This phrase was said by a very wise thirty-something as part of a conversation. I found it to be a non-judgmental statement of acceptance of where things are at in this time of chaos and disruption...

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Storytime - Carryout Camp Week 6

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Welcome to the last Storytime of our Carryout Camp!  We have had such a fun summer of storytelling, activities, crafts, and learning about the gift of Joy in every season. This week our theme is “Joy in Community.” It’s pretty tricky to find joy in...

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Where Did You See God This Week?

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“Where did you see God this week?” It’s asked at the beginning of every staff meeting at RLC. Sometimes there are immediate, enthusiastic responses. Other times there is a silent pause as staffers scan their memories. Always there is some observation shared. This practice keeps...

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Storytime - Carryout Camp Week 5

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This week our theme is Joy in Growing and Healing. You’re going to hear a story about a man who’s friends did something extraordinary to make sure Jesus would heal him.   Sign Up for Tie-Dye (July 20-22),Mural Painting (July 20-22, 27-29) Don’t forget to click...

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That's Not Me!

Posted by Lauren Wrightsman on

Recently, I have been getting a slew of emails from members and friends of Roseville Lutheran Church asking me if it is truly I who have sent them a request to go out and buy $700 of gift cards to help the poor, the needy, the sick or the destitute. One of these requests was sent to some members...

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Rest in the Grace of the World

Posted by Lauren Wrightsman on

You know when you come upon something that resonates with where you're at, right at the moment? This is one of those things for me! So today, I'm sharing this devotion I saw from writer Parker Palmer. – Pastor Lauren.   Great poems seem to have been written for whatever moment we...

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Storytime - Carryout Camp Week4

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Joy in Daily Bread This is Week 4 of our Carryout Camp and we’re talking about Joy in Daily Bread. We often think about joy in the big events, the special meals, or the annual celebrations.  But what if we started thinking about the joy we find every single day as we sit down to a...

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It Is Well With My Soul

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We all love hymns. They’re core to practicing our faith. That’s one of the reasons why our inability to gather for worship now is so frustrating. We hear the Gospel message through the words and tunes that touch our souls. I have found that knowing the story behind a hymn can make it...

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God Mend Thine Every Flaw

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As we celebrate the 4 th of July in the splendor of our green summer I think of the great American hymn, “America the Beautiful.” It’s been around for over 100 years, first written as a poem by Katherine Lee Bates in 1893 and then into music by Samuel A. Ward a few years...

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