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Podcast - Angela Denker

Posted by Lauren Wrightsman on

  Sign up now for the online discussion with Pastor Lauren on the following Sunday at 7:00 pm. September 18 - Angela Denker Angela Denker, author of Red State Christians: Understanding the Voters who elected Donald Trump (Fortress: August 2019), is a Lutheran Pastor and veteran journalist...

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Back to School Blessings

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The end of summer has always meant two things: the Minnesota State Fair, and heading out to purchase school supplies, backpacks and new fall clothes. With many of our students, teachers and educators working with a variety of models for instruction this year, there is a lot of uncertainty and...

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Voting 101: A Christian Perspective

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Sunday, August 2 - George Shardlow Voting 101: A Christian Perspective How do we as Christians exercise our most basic right in the midst of a global pandemic? In this session, we will outline the options we have as voters this fall, and reflect on the power and importance of...

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What Does Our Christian Fatih Say about being a Citizen?

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Sunday, July 26 - Madison Johnston What Does Our Christian Faith Say About Being a Citizen? In the face of a national election, we will dig into the origin story of government as we know it according to Scripture. Then, we will explore together what it means to live out our faith and to be...

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Service of Lament

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On June 2, 2020, we shared in a Service of Lament. This prayer service was shared with the congregation, and is available here, too. Our collective hearts are grieved by the killing of George Floyd this past week. This past week has seen so many deaths. The death of a man whose breath was...

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Hope for Better Times 4

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One of the most important impulses in the modern history of Christianity is Pietism, which began as a renewal movement in German Lutheranism, spread to the Lutheran churches of Scandinavia, and shaped the development of several Lutheran bodies in America. Yet most Lutherans and other Christians...

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Gospel According to Mark (4/4)

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A prominent theologian once described the Gospel of Mark as a “Passion Narrative with an extended introduction.” From its opening announcement of this work as the “beginning of the good news of Jesus the Christ,” Mark’s story draws us into the story of Jesus&rsquo...

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Hope for Better Times 3

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One of the most important impulses in the modern history of Christianity is Pietism, which began as a renewal movement in German Lutheranism, spread to the Lutheran churches of Scandinavia, and shaped the development of several Lutheran bodies in America. Yet most Lutherans and other Christians...

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Gospel According to Mark (3/4)

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A prominent theologian once described the Gospel of Mark as a “Passion Narrative with an extended introduction.” From its opening announcement of this work as the “beginning of the good news of Jesus the Christ,” Mark’s story draws us into the story of Jesus&rsquo...

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Hope for Better Times 2

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One of the most important impulses in the modern history of Christianity is Pietism, which began as a renewal movement in German Lutheranism, spread to the Lutheran churches of Scandinavia, and shaped the development of several Lutheran bodies in America. Yet most Lutherans and other Christians...

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